The highest day of the year for the Christian has come and gone. There is a special joy that comes on Easter Sunday. It's an special gladness because at this time, you take time to meditate on the glorious truth that He is risen indeed.
I want this joy to last.
Feelings are fleeting and will pass away. But how do you keep the joy of the resurrection in your heart all year long?
The sad and puzzling thing about it is, keeping that joy alive will take work.
Why should it be hard to keep this joy alive? After all, we have been given the greatest gift of all. Jesus bore the Father's wrath for us, and has conquered death in His resurrection. Our sin nature has lost mastery over us. We are guaranteed life eternal.
The answer is simple. Even though our sin nature has lost its mastery over us, it is still trying its hardest to win it back. So our new nature must fight back. Fight hard. We must lead our hearts back to the cross and tomb over and over again. Sometimes your heart will struggle against your leading.
But Christ never promised us it would be easy.
But He did promise to be there with us.
How do we know He will be there?
Because He isn't in the tomb.
He is risen!
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